TRE® Sessions

TRE® (Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises) is a simple technique that uses specific exercises to release stress or tension from the body that accumulate from every day circumstances of life, from difficult situations, immediate or prolonged stressful situations, or traumatic life experiences.

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Tension and Trauma Releasing Exercises

TRE® is a set of six exercises created by Dr. David Berceli, PhD, that help to release deep tension patterns from the body by evoking a self-controlled muscular shaking process called neurogenic muscle tremors. These gentle somatic tremors (shaking) reverberate outward along the spine releasing muscular tension patterns from the sacrum to the cranium while calming down the nervous system.

Stress and prior trauma express themselves in BOTH psychological and physical ways.

Examples of a few of the physical manifestations of stress include:

muscle tension, trigger points, soreness, pain, headaches, difficulty sleeping, diarrhea or constipation.

It can be challenging to relieve stress from our lives through direct psychological work alone. A major benefit to TRE is that it is a somatic (body) practice and can be easily done at home to release both every-day stress and built up trauma.

Tension release in the body oftentimes leads the brain to register a reduction in the fight or flight signals, contributing to a reduction in stress and pain.

Individual Sessions

1 on 1 sessions teach the client how to safely perform these stress release exercises and develop their ability to self-regulate the process and practice on their own. Modifications and other methods to amplify the process and facilitate deeper release are also offered in a safe space. Slight tweaks can make a big difference in your practice. Can be done online or in person.

Group Sessions

Group sessions can easily be done online or in person. Having the support of others can deepen our understanding and keep the practice consistent. It can be taught in very large groups for communities that have experienced mass trauma, in corporate settings, athletic recovery for teams, as well as educational purposes for young adults and kids.

Have a group in mind?

Reach out and let me know how I can help.

Want to take a deeper dive and learn if TRE is right for you?


TRE excercises are mechanism for releasing deep muscular stress and tension held within the body. The physical practice helps calm the nervous system, restoring a grounded sense within the body and release muscular tension patterns.

  • TRE is a practice that incorporates physical activity to stress and stretch certain muscle groups. Think back to the last time you did an intense workout. Did you experience a wobbly or shaky feeling within your muscles? TRE uses exercises to reach a similar point of release and push further and hold the muscular vibration mechanism.

    Although TRE exercises may appear easy, the greatest value and safety in learning TRE is with a Certified TRE Provider

  • TRE is best seen as a tool for self-care, complementary to other wellness practices. Once learned through a trained practitioner, TRE can be used as needed, throughout one’s life, asa tool applied at home. Reported benefits of the practice include, but are not limited to:decreased anxiety, reduced symptoms of PTSD, improved relationships, more energy, better sleep, increased flexibility, healing of old injuries, less workplace stress, and greater emotional resiliency. Many patients report a restored sense of well-being after the practice of TRE.

  • One area of focus for release of muscle tension during TRE is the iliopsoas region. The psoas muscle is a muscle that connects the lower back to the pelvis. It is believed that this is one of the muscles that holds a considerable amount of our physical and emotional stress that we carry in our bodies. The adductors on the inside of the legs, quads, and hamstring muscles also also hold tremendous fight or flight energy.

    TRE helps open and release all the primary muscles in the legs, pelvis, low back, and start to open the diaphragm and upper body.

 Let’s Learn!

Have you ever had to have a difficult conversation with someone or done a public speech? Do you remember what you felt like? Were you by chance shaky, “shook up”, or nervous? Maybe you experienced shaking in your body after a physical injury or accident? Maybe after a birth? Maybe you noticed that your dog shakes when there is a thunderstorm out of fear. These are all typical examples of whats called “neurogenic tremors” (somatic tremors), also known simply as shaking. It’s the way the body discharges stress, tension, and trauma from the nervous system and the primary fight or flight muscles. This response is completely normal and can be observed in all mammals.

Dr. Peter Levine developed an entire method for treating trauma called somatic experiencing from studying wild animals stress responses and nervous systems. He quickly realized that wild animals don’t develop typical trauma symptoms like humans or domesticated animals despite constantly being under the threat of death. He realized that animals always complete the fight, flight, and freeze response-where as humans have the tendency to inhibit the completion of these natural survival mechanisms. The freeze response in particular, which is akin to a possum “playing dead”, activates when fighting or fleeing are not options. The body then goes into a self preservation, immobilized state. Not only does this make us less of a target to predators because they often loose interest in what looks like “dead” prey, but in our final moments before dying at the claws of say, a lion, our body is flooded with Endorphins to help kill the pain, and we naturally dissociate. In other words, we don’t really want to be in our bodies when we are being harmed. However, the upside is that if the threat (or perceived threat) leaves, our bodies know exactly what to do to rebalance. The massive amount of survival energy that was inhibited with the the immobility phase needs to release, and this is done through shaking or trembling. If this phase doesn’t complete, the body still senses that there is looming threat-which is when symptoms can start to develop. Its a bit like accelerating and pumping the brakes simultaneously.

Another brilliant Dr. and trauma therapist, David Bercelli noticed the same natural tendency for people to shake in stressful situations. He observed the benefits of shaking when he was working in war torn countries in northern African and the middle east during frequent bombings. He noticed that when people allowed themselves to tremor they fared far better than those who didn’t and did not develop the typical PTSD symptoms. Because of the lack of access to resources in many of these countries, he developed what is now known as TRE (Trauma and Tension Releasing Exercises) as a way to help people induce these therapeutic tremors and help balance the nervous system. This gives people a chance to have a lifelong tool to deal with stress and heal trauma on their own. Having the tools to heal trauma is not only empowering, but critical when large populations of people have undergone tremendous suffering. It’s not always realistic to have people go see counselors or psychologists due to lack of access or financial barriers.

Both TRE and Somatic Experiencing work to gradually release this stored survival energy in a safe space and turn off this internal threat alarm that causes severe nervous system dysregulation and dissociation. TRE helps people understand this innate and powerful body response to stress and trauma and work through it gradually.

Literally anyone can benefit from this tension and trauma release exercises. In fact, even if you dont feel particularly stressed, it can help in athletic recovery, reduce physical tension, as well as buffer ourselves from ongoing or future stress. Most people find TRE deeply relaxing. It could be helpful to check out practical tips to decide if TRE would benefit you.

 Starting in the Spring of 2022 at Black Mountain Yoga, in Black Mountain, NC, I’ll be teaching public workshops to learn these stress release exercises, and sharing the enormous benefits behind learning TRE to help tensional stress and heal our nervous systems. I serve both Black Mountain, NC and Asheville, NC offering in person sessions.

I am able to do personal online sessions for both Somatic Experiencing and TRE. Although I always prefer in person sessions myself, both these methods translate exceptionally well via online video calls. This allows people to work from the comfort of their own home, which has its own perks, as well as offer options for those who may need to limit their time seeing others due to Covid. Or you may not live in the area but feel like these modalities would benefit you. Book an online session here.